Price: 7€ / kpl + postage
Send orders by email to: sm2020.harjoitukset (at) In the message write name of the training and how many maps you need. Different trainings on their own rows in the message.

4.9km 17 controls.
Address: Soratie 11, 40530 Jyväskylä. Parkingplace of the Keljonkangas recreation area.
Map maker Timo Joensuu, course setter Teemu Katajisto
New map from Keljonkangas area. You can also get the map without paths. Controls have flags and reflective markers.
Keljonkangas 2, spring

4.9km 16 controls.
New training in keljonkangas!
Address: Soratie 11, 40530 Jyväskylä. arkingplace of the Keljonkangas recreation area.
Map maker Timo Joensuu, course setter Teemu Katajisto
New map from Keljonkangas area. Controls have flags (no reflective markers). There is a red/white plastic ribbon at the start and the finish.

2.9km 10 controls and 4.9km 16 controls.
There is a suprise thinning done in the training terrain that affects mostly the spring training.
Address: Saaritie 2, 40900 Säynätsalo. Some parking places at Muuratsalo school. If full, park at the side of the road.
Map maker Timo Sivill 05/2019, course setters V&V Klemettinen
Scale 1:10000. 2.9km course also available at 1:7500. Controls have flags and red/yellow crepe streamers.
Muuratsalo 2, spring

4.7km 16 controls.
New training in Muuratsalo!
There is a suprise thinning done in the training terrain that affects mostly the spring training.
Adress: Saaritie 2, 40900 Säynätsalo. Some parking places at Muuratsalo school. If full, park at the side of the road.
Map maker Timo Sivill 05/2019, course setter Vesa Klemettinen
Scale 1:10000. Controls have flags.

4.8km 17 controls.
Address: Mäntynenä 9, 41800 Jyväskylä. Parking is at old gravelpit where there is room for about ten cars. The area has been cleaned recently so watch out for tree stumps and rocks! Parking at one's own risk. There is also a turnout close to Veijonjärventie 155 for a couple of cars. Do not disturb traffic when parking at the side of the road.
Map maker Timo Joensuu 8/2019, course setter Raimo Itkonen.
Scale 1:10000, available also at 1:7500. Controls have flags. Map is right next to competition area and is very similar to competition terrain.
Vähä-Veijo 2, spring

4.9km 17 controls.
New training in Vähä-Veijo, includes new parts of the terrain! Parking and startpoint are the same as in the first Vähä-Veijo training.
Map maker Timo Joensuu 8/2019, course setter Raimo Itkonen.
Scale 1:10000, available also at 1:7500. Controls have flags. Map is right next to competition area and is very similar to competition terrain.