Suunta Jyväskylä

Suunta Jyväskylä

Suunnistuksen erikoisseura

Arvot ja visio Liity jäseneksi

Anna palautetta


International two competitions in Ski Orienteering (sprint (WRE) and middle distance)

S-JKL 100 year Ski Orienteering in Jyväskylä 14th January, 2012

WRE classes are H21E ja D21E in sprint. EM/MC qualification will be in sprint race in classes H21E and D21E. Junior MM qualification and junior 17 year EM qualification will be in both sprint and middle distance races in classes H20 and D20.

Middle distance race in after noon will be also Keski-Suomi regional championship.

Classes: H21E (WRE), D21E (WRE), H21A, H35-80, H12-20, D21A, D35-80, D12-20.

Distances: At 09:30 sprint race and at 13:00 middle distance race.

Entry fees: H/D21E 40 €, H/D12-18 24 € and other classes 34 €. Entry fee for one race is half of the above mentioned. Entry fees must be paid at the same time when enter in the IRMA-service. Those who do not have access to IRMA-service must be paid the enry fees at the same time as the entries to the Suunta Jyväskylä  account no. FI16 1581 3000 0296 28, SWIFT / BIC code NDEAFIHH.

Entry: Enter at latest on Saturday 7th January 2012 by using the Finnish Orienteering Federations IRMA-service. Link to IRMA-service found on the webpage For those who do not have access to IRMA-service by email or by mail latest Thursday 5th January 2012 to address: Jarmo Oikarinen, Eräkatu 16, 40500 Jyväskylä, Finland.

Late entries: Accepted only until Wednesday 11th January 2012 at 20:00, by email or by phone +358 400 623 055. Late entry fee is double to above mentioned fees.

Punching system: The official punching system used will be EMIT. Please also enter your Emit-card number. For runners who do not enter their Emit-number on the entry form, we will hold an emit-card for 4€. Emit rental will be paid to Info.

Driving instruction: From Highway 23, 15 km from Jyväskylä towards Keuruu.From highway there will be 2 km driving to the competition centre. Competition centre: Vesalan kurssikeskus, address: Vesalantie 136, 41940 Vesanka (Jyväskylä).

Car parking: Free parking near the competition centre.

First starts: At 09:30 sprint race and at 13.00 middle distance race. Distance to start places maximum 1,5 km.

Map: Colour print in scale 1:5000 in sprint race and in scale 1:10 000 in middle distance race. Printed on 1/2012. Contour interval 5 m.

Terrain: Moorland.

Finnish: At competition centre.

Prizes: Prizes will be given by combined time ground.  Medals for three best will be given in Keski-Suomi regional championship.

Changing and showers: Indoors in competition centre.

Main officials: Competition manager Jouni Sipiläinen,, tel. +358 40 581 6846, main course planner Pekka Juvakka, results Jarmo Oikarinen. IOF/ technical adviser Unto Kanerva and course supervisor Erkki Virkalahti, Keuruun Kisailijat.

Information and english-speaking contact person: Jarmo Oikarinen,, tel. +358 400 623 055.

Competition instructions and start times: At latest on Thursday 12.01.2012 at 20:00 Suunta Jyväskylä’s homepage:

Limit of cold: -20 C. Cancellation fo completion due weather conditions (too little of snow) latest 5.1.2012 in homepage.

Accommodation: Vesalan kurssikeskus., +358 40 535 1657. Address: Vesalantie 136, 41940 Vesanka, Finland. Homepages:

Other: Children care and restaurant in competition centre. Ski waxing in shelter, electricity available.


Suunta Jyväskylä ry