Info in English
Suunta Jyväskylä is an orienteering club from Jyväskylä Finland. Jyväskylä (and Central Finland region) offers versatile training areas from tough technical, stony and hilly terrains with soft ground to fast pine forests. We have active competitors in ski, MTB and foot orienteering and participate in most of the large international relays with multiple teams.

We arrange orienteering trainings every week from spring to fall and offer weekly trainings also in winter. Multiple training camps are arranged every year in Finland and also abroad. We also arrange couple of competitions of our own every year (forest and sprint) and take part in organizing legendary night orienteering series KurkoCup every autum.
So if you are thinking about coming to train/live in Finland or maybe to study in Jyväskylä University, we welcome you to join our club and trainings!